Friday, December 14, 2012

Career of Political Science?

Helllllllllo langstas and blogspottas! It's Danny Stapleton, writing to you live from the Cathy residence (Maddie Cathy)  in Campbell, CA! haha :)

Well guys, I've talked about it all so far: Mathematics, Criminal Justice, Chemistry, and now...........Political Science!  In case y'all didn't know what it consists of: Political science is a social science discipline concerned with the study of the state, government, and politics. Aristotle defined it as the study of the state. It deals extensively with the theory and practice of politics, and the analysis of political systems and political behavior. Political scientists "see themselves engaged in revealing the relationships underlying political events and conditions, and from these revelations they attempt to construct general principles about the way the world of politics works." Political science intersects with other fields; including economics, law, sociology, history, anthropology, public administration, public policy, national politics, international relations, comparative politics, psychology, political organization, and political theory. ---- Now this is an exquisite major lads! I've recently started to look into this major, and have now seen that it could be a possible option! Many colleges offer it, and many political science majors grow up to be successful people; whether they're, politicians, analysts, or even a news reporter! Now those careers sound pretty legitimate! But it all starts with choosing the major and the right college, with the right credentials, and the right motives. 

So why political science? I've always been intrigued with the word "politics" and I think many people who know me would agree! I tend to watch the news, almost every morning before school, and I always find the topics discussed by news reporters and politicians to be fascinating! I tend to watch CNN, and my favorite anchor is Christine Romans, who is the host of CNN's "Your Bottom Line".  I did all of my journal entries for the dialectical journals during the summer, and I think it has made me appreciate the political science aspect a lot more! I followed Obama throughout the summer, and was able to see what skill sets he acquires, and how he uses these in his speeches and his forms of parlance. I am now getting a whole new perception of the realm of politics, and have now become accustomed to watching debates.  I feel like there's a vast amount of information out there, that I really need to see to help me open my eyes, and help me consider this major.

I know a couple of people at Westmont who are most likely going to go into this field, and I'm actually quite tempted to ask them what they like about it.  One notable person is Andrei Simpson, who is an incredible student, who I idolize, and he would be a great person to talk politics with! He's in Speech and Debate, and has a good sense for political science, and I'm sure he'd be happy to talk about it with me.  Also, I know Mr. Pinza is the adviser/coordinator for Speech and Debate, and he would be great to talk to!

Well thank you all for reading, leave comments and/or suggestions below! :) Thanks everybody! <3
-Danny Stapleton


  1. Hey Danny- I think Political Science would be awesome for you! It seems like a major that would suit you well, considering you seem to enjoy watching and analyzing politics. If you ever get really serious about this major I would recommend applying to Stanford, Berkeley, or UCSD because I heard they offer some good political science programs. Good luck!

  2. Danny! I wouldn't have thought of it before but now that you mention it I can totally see you majoring in political science. You like to figure out how things work and that encompasses politics! The topic suits you pretty well. Once you get advice from others who have experience in the field and/or want to major in the field hopefully you can gain some more insight and decide if political science is an actual possibility. Whatever you do I'm sure you'll be successful, whether its mathematics or criminal justice!

  3. Danny, political science is something that, in my opinion, you would fit well into. Its a totally new approach from all of the math and chemistry that i know you love and i think it would be an excellent choice for you. Whether it be political science or math and chemistry that you pursue, i can guarantee that in the end, you will excel in anything you do!

  4. Good choice Danny! Not too mainstream! But along with the others yes I can see you doing this. My cousin graduated from Leigh a few years ago, went to Cal Poly and majored in Political Science, and now he's at Santa Clara University for Law school. It does take some time and a lot of work but you WILL become successful! If you want some advice I can ask him too!

  5. Danny this has to be the most unfitting and mainstream major ive ever heard in my life. Just kidding! This would be a great major for you because it fits your personality and your interests in life perfectly! I would really like to see you follow this path because great things could result from it, great things!

  6. I've never thought of you as much of a politician, but I'm sure that what ever you stride for you will succeed. Good luck!
