Friday, December 14, 2012

Career of Political Science?

Helllllllllo langstas and blogspottas! It's Danny Stapleton, writing to you live from the Cathy residence (Maddie Cathy)  in Campbell, CA! haha :)

Well guys, I've talked about it all so far: Mathematics, Criminal Justice, Chemistry, and now...........Political Science!  In case y'all didn't know what it consists of: Political science is a social science discipline concerned with the study of the state, government, and politics. Aristotle defined it as the study of the state. It deals extensively with the theory and practice of politics, and the analysis of political systems and political behavior. Political scientists "see themselves engaged in revealing the relationships underlying political events and conditions, and from these revelations they attempt to construct general principles about the way the world of politics works." Political science intersects with other fields; including economics, law, sociology, history, anthropology, public administration, public policy, national politics, international relations, comparative politics, psychology, political organization, and political theory. ---- Now this is an exquisite major lads! I've recently started to look into this major, and have now seen that it could be a possible option! Many colleges offer it, and many political science majors grow up to be successful people; whether they're, politicians, analysts, or even a news reporter! Now those careers sound pretty legitimate! But it all starts with choosing the major and the right college, with the right credentials, and the right motives. 

So why political science? I've always been intrigued with the word "politics" and I think many people who know me would agree! I tend to watch the news, almost every morning before school, and I always find the topics discussed by news reporters and politicians to be fascinating! I tend to watch CNN, and my favorite anchor is Christine Romans, who is the host of CNN's "Your Bottom Line".  I did all of my journal entries for the dialectical journals during the summer, and I think it has made me appreciate the political science aspect a lot more! I followed Obama throughout the summer, and was able to see what skill sets he acquires, and how he uses these in his speeches and his forms of parlance. I am now getting a whole new perception of the realm of politics, and have now become accustomed to watching debates.  I feel like there's a vast amount of information out there, that I really need to see to help me open my eyes, and help me consider this major.

I know a couple of people at Westmont who are most likely going to go into this field, and I'm actually quite tempted to ask them what they like about it.  One notable person is Andrei Simpson, who is an incredible student, who I idolize, and he would be a great person to talk politics with! He's in Speech and Debate, and has a good sense for political science, and I'm sure he'd be happy to talk about it with me.  Also, I know Mr. Pinza is the adviser/coordinator for Speech and Debate, and he would be great to talk to!

Well thank you all for reading, leave comments and/or suggestions below! :) Thanks everybody! <3
-Danny Stapleton

Monday, November 19, 2012

Chemistry Major?

Hello blog spotters!! Danny's back back back, back again-gain-gain, and here for his third blog! :) WOOOHOOO

Soo, I've talked about possible majors in both Criminal Justice and Mathematics, but now it's time for my next topic.....CHEMISTRY!

Definition of Chemistry: a branch of physical science is the study of the composition, properties and behavior of matter. Chemistry is concerned with atoms and their interactions with other atoms, and particularly with the properties of chemical bonds. Chemistry is also concerned with the interactions between atoms (or groups of atoms) and various forms of energy (e.g. photochemical reactions, changes in phases of matter, separation of mixtures, properties of polymers, etc.).

Ohh chemistry! <3 I deeply fell in love with this subject my sophomore year at Westmont, when I was first introduced to it! It was definitely one of my most enjoyable subjects last year, and possibly one of my favorite of all time! There was so many vast new concepts to learn and so many new terms and ideas to apprehend! Also, I had a truly amazing teacher, Mrs. Barnes! I was extremely fortunate to have her as a teacher, and she was always there for my assistance, which I think was one of the main reasons I had an A for both semesters! 
We covered soo many topics in class it was unbelievable! From the ones I can remember, there was Stoichiometry, States of Matter, Chemical Reactions, Periodic Trends, Solutions, Gases, Acids & Bases, Kinetics, Thermochemistry & Physical Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Atomic & Electronic Structure, and the list just goes on and on. So many topics, in such little time, but it was really beneficial to learn all of them, and I'm really considering doing this again, maybe even at the AP level if Westmont offers it next year! I would be delighted to dive back into to this amazing subject and learn even more material about it! :)

So now, could this subject be a possible major for me? HECK YES! I looked up what the qualities of a Chemistry major are: Chemistry majors are curious, analytical, and self-starting leaders. They have strong written and verbal communication skills and are good at math, physics, and biology. A chemistry student may like to perform experiments and work with their hands. I'd say I qualify for most of those credentials, except I haven't taken Physics yet. But, I am now pretty interested in the subject, and I'm going to do a lot more research on it and see what colleges have this exquisite major to offer! I'm sure I'd enjoy all the classes that come along with it, and I'll like the class because there will most likely be a lot of math involved! :) Chemistry can lead me to a wide variety of possible careers and intricate opportunities that I will have to consider later in life! :)

This could be me someday!:

Thanks to all my fans out there for reading this! Hope you all enjoyed it! I'll be back for more soon! :D

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Mathematics Major!

Welcome fellow blog spotters and aplangstas! Danny is back, and here for my second blog post! :D

So my first blog talked about one of my possible majors for college, criminal justice, and this next one is going to be on the possible major of.............mathematics! My favorite subject ever since I can even remember(presumably since kindergarten) has been math.  I've always been fascinated and intrigued by every aspect of it! I think a main reason for this, is that my mom put me through an after school math and reading program called Kumon! I started Kumon when I was about 7 years old, and continued with it till I was 11! It really really really helped me with my math skills, and by the time I was in the fourth grade, and was learning sixth-grade level material! At first, I was kind of reluctant and resistant to do any of the problems that were assigned to me, and if I can recall, I hated my instructor(not actually hated, but didn't appreciate) but after spending a couple of years in the program, I saw that doing these problems were actually starting to get pretty fun!

NOW, as a junior in high school, math is still my favorite subject, and I can still get a kick out of it! (not as much as before, but you understand). Throughout high school, I've gotten an A or even an A+ in each of my math classes from previous years(geometry and Algebra 2) and am now currently enrolled in two math classes at Westmont: Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus, and AP Statistics! Both of these classes are pretty challenging, especially the AP, but I'm still able to be fascinated by every aspect of each of them! And luckily, I've been very fortunate in getting great teachers this year, once again! SHOUT OUT MS. SPIRIDON AND MR. ANDERSON :) I've been learning many new, various concepts in each class, and everyday, I cant wait to go to one of my math classes! It just cannot get any better than this!
Sooo, since math has been a very inspirational and motivational subject to me, I'm thinking that it might be a potential major. I know that there are hundreds, maybe quicksand of possible majors related to mathematics in some degree, and Ive started to look in to them! They all seem to be like something I would enjoy, especially majors in statistics! However, I'm not exactly sure which area I would be totally willing to learn/study on, but I am definitely going to be doing my research on various aspects of mathematical majors! It just may be the perfect major for me:) Hopefully, all of the colleges i apply to will have superfluous mathematical majors, and who knows? One day, maybe just one day, I, Danny Stapleton, will have a masters degree in some form of mathematics!

Thank you to all who have read this! Please leave a comment(If you want to) and if you have any ideas, post them below! THANKSSSSSSSSSSS <3

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Criminal Investigation: Potential Major for Me

Hello blog spotters! My name is Danny Stapleton, and this is my first blog!

I've always had the desire to have the most fun and high-paying job, that would suit me and my personality very well.  Ever since I was a little kid, I have always been fascinated by the criminal justice industry.  I used to watch all the CSI shows, and always pretend that I was a detective.  Now as a 16 year-old young man, I've realized that going into the criminal justice industry could be a potential major for me in college, and hopefully a job after college. I've actually started to look into prestigious colleges that offer criminal investigation as a major, and I am pretty intrigued about all the possibilities that are out there! It just makes me really think about what I would want to be what when I'm an adult and it's actually very exciting!
If I do choose criminal investigation/studies as a major, and possibly make it as a criminal investigator/detective, I think I would really enjoy it!  I've always been compelled by technology based equipment, which criminal investigators tend to use almost everyday of there lives like criminal data bases, finger-printing, and other commodities related to those.  I can almost imagine myself, Danny Stapleton, a criminal Investigator, working on the biggest case in the history of Campbell, finding the murderer of so and so! It pumps me up!  I've known a couple of my relatives and their friends, who have worked in/know of people in the criminal justice business, and they say that they wouldn't give their job up for anything else in the world.  It seems to me that they've become so attached to their jobs, and it delights them to wake up and go to work every morning!  I want that feeling! Waking up to something I love to do, every single day.  I know criminal investigation is just a possibility, but just about every aspect of it fascinates me, and maybe, just maybe, one day, it could be the job for me! :D