Friday, April 5, 2013

Pre-Law Student?

This is probably the most far-fetched majors I've written about so far, but, I'm up to talk about any major that interests me! Going into the law field would totally give me an altered perspective on where I want to go to college, what I want to be what I grow up, etc. Here's a little information on  pre-law major students: "Students planning to attend law school may select virtually any undergraduate major. Competition for admission to top-ranked law schools is quite intense. To be seriously considered by one of these schools, it helps to have a high GPA and a strong performance on the SAT exam. Students who major in law are individuals who are well adapted to hard work and rigorous schedules involving multiple classes and a lot of studying." 
Now I haven't taken my SAT exam yet, but for the most part, you could say that I am "well equipped" to potentially become a law student. I really strive to do exceptionally well in my academics, and I try to do the best I can in all activities I am a part of (sports, clubs). I have decent communication skills, and I enjoy analyzing data and information. However, I'm not sure if I am ready for the challenge of taking multiple rigorous courses in college, especially just in my freshmen year.   
So why Pre-law you ask? I have always had some interest in law, criminal justice, and methodology  ever since middle school, and I think this could be a good path for me. My mom has signed me up for a Law Program camp at STANFORD UNIVERSITY this summer, and I honestly cannot wait to go learn about law for an entire week with dozens of students! This camp/class might really change the perception I have on law, maybe for the good or maybe for the worst, but I am so willing and courageous to take this challenge. My mom has spent a lot, A LOT, of money to put me through this, because she knows what kind of student I am, and she thinks that I will really appreciate this program. I hope it all goes great!
Leave a comment below, and let me know what you think! :)

1 comment:

  1. Danny I can definitely picture you as a pre-law student. The quote in your post basically describes you- you are a hard worker and I'm pretty positive you could handle taking multiple rigorous courses (even if it is your freshmen year in college). The Law Program camp will be a great experience and really help you decide whether law is something your truly passionate about. You would be a fantastic lawyer!
