Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Can't you just picture it? The business life. Wearing a suit every day, no matter where you may be, ready to sit down, talk about statistics, propose ideas, make deals, and most important, receive dough. I'm starting to really like the sound of this career! Today, it's time to tell of the possiblity of becoming a business major :D

So I've actually been pretty familiar with the business protege, as I took a program over the 2012 Summer named the Greene Scholars Program, in which myself, and many other African-American high school students learned and practice business procedures, marketing, and entreperneuralship! The class was five days long at Devry University up in Fremont, for about six hours a day, and I really learned a lot about persuasion, pitching speeches, advertising, and promoting products. We even got to meet a succesful entreperneur who was featured on CNN with Soledad O'brien for her, and her other collegues success story. I thought it was compelling and somewhat inspirational to see an African American woman, reach success, and actually get some investors for her product(which happened to be an app for Apple and the Android Market). All in all, the class was a great experience, and really gave me a brand new, positive perspective of the business regime.
I'd really like to learn more of the mechanics of a businessman. I'm currently taking statistics and and doing fairly well in the class, and for the 2013 summer, I am taking a program/camp for Law and Business at Stanford Univeristy for a week! I'm extremly amped up for this course, and I know it really could be a deciding factor for me in what I want to major in. As shown in the picture above, people in business rule the world! It's a really good candidate for a major of mine!

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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Real Estate - Career?

Hello everybody! It's time to switch gears a bit this time, and I'm going to talk about the possible career of being a realtor!
Well, in case you aren't a 100% sure what a realtor or real estate agent or real estate sales agent is, here's a little insight:
A Real Estate Agent or realtor has to Rent, buy, or sell property for clients. A realtor advises clients on prices, mortgages, and market conditions, generates lists of properties for sale, including details such as location and features and compares those properties, promotes properties through advertisements, open houses, and listing services, presents purchase offers to sellers for consideration, and prepares documents such as loyalty contracts, purchase agreements, and deeds. They've got a pretty hard, painstaking job wouldn't you say? I've actually been doing a ton of reseach on real estate careers, as it was the topic for my career presentation, and I've actually wandered up upon a lot of interesting things!
So real estate agents need a lot of requirements in order to be official. Many current realtors major in management, law, Psychology, sociology, English, marketing, accounting, a foreign language, international business, economy, computer science, engineering, communications, even mathematics. They have a lot of options to choose from, and some colleges even offer real estate courses along with econmics, marketing, and accounting. A lot of these major seem pretty interesting to me, and most likely I'll go into one of these fields.
So why would I, Daniel Stapleton, think about being a realtor? Well, for one, my mom had been a real estate agent for about 5 years or so, when I was in elementary and middle school. I used to meet her clients and even sometimes go with her to see open houses. She worked with two agencies, Coldwell Banker being one, and another smaller-named company that I can't remember the name of. I loved touring houses and looking at brand new appliances, custom made floors, renovated kitchens, enormous bathrooms, etc. I also love watching shows on HGTV (Home & Gardening Television), in which real estate agents and brokers are involved, in just about every show on the netwrok. I love seem there techniques in which they use on their clients like persuasion (constitutes with a lot of rhetoric). Real estate has been such an open subject to me, since a was a child, and I think I could see myself in the future as an agent, or independent broker!
Thanks for reading, leave a comment below to let me know what you think! :)