Sunday, May 19, 2013

Reflection Post

I can't even fathom that this will be my final post for AP Language & Composition 2013-2014. It's actually quite somber that this will be my last post, possibly until my college life or maybe even after that. I just wanted to say that it has been very pleasurable to post these blogs, and it has been a beneficiary, as I have obtained a great amount of knowledge and am now my eager to write and share my personal intuitions.

I wanted to reflect amongst all the blogs I have posted, dating all the way back to September of last year. I have been periodically posting what could possibly be my major in college, and I've expressed my thoughts and opinions on the variety of majors to choose from. I think that the most painstaking and remorseful decision you have to make once you apply yourself for college is your major, as it could be the area you study, possibly for your whole time at college, and potentially for your entire career. To be honest, I still am not 100% certain on what I want to study for college and the rest of my life, (I am only a Junior so I thankfully still have time) but for now, I am leaning towards the vocation of business! A major I have deeply been analyzing is actuarial science, which requires heavy knowledge in statistics, business, economics, finance, and even a little calculus.  I have always been fairly competent with my skills in mathematics, but I am still learning and I still want to learn more attainable information in economics, business, and calculus(which I will be taking next year). My senior year will indubitably consist of thoroughly researching and critiquing certain aspects of certain majors, and more importantly, finding what major will suit my personal self the most.
And that everyone, was my main focus for my blog this entire year: finding the right major for myself, Daniel Newell Stapleton. In doing so, I have been graciously opened up to a variety of fields to study, that have attracted my eyes and have been very constructive in narrowing down my decisions in what may lead me to the path of what I want to do for the rest of my life. Writing these blogs over the past nine months have all-in-all gave me a better understanding of my college future, and have also profoundly enhanced my writing skills and abilities. My perception on blogging has developed (positively of course) over this school year, and I can only thank Mr. Pinza for applying this into his teaching curriculum. Thank you all for a great year! :)